Haines Fire and Risk Consulting


Hytrans Hose Systems

Hytrans hose systems are backed by nearly three decades of quality improvements, performance enhancements and experience in a broad range of applications.  In fact, Hytrans has over 700 Hose Recovery Units (HRUs) with systems operating in at least 50 countries (as of January 2021).  When the HRU is purchased as part of an integrated system (pumps, hose, appliances, and hose deployment/recovery systems), the end user can rest assured that all of their equipment will be compatible, function properly, and be covered by one warranty policy that provides comprehensive technical and maintenance support services.

Hose – Hytrans offers a complete line of 6 to 12 inch diameter firefighting hose that has been designed and manufactured to minimize:

  • Elongation when pressurized (elongation is 1/15th that of some competitors).  As a result, the hose moves very little when pressurized and does not snake across the ground like other brands.  This helps to keep roadways into and out of the fire grounds open for emergency vehicle use.
  • Twisting when pressurized.  As a result, the hose moves less and does not require the use of swivel couplings.  The non-swivel, multi-lug coupling used by Hytrans is easier to use and weighs approximately half that of a similar sized storz fittings.
  • Bending radius.  This allows the hose to change directions with minimal kinking, which is essential in tight areas.  In addition to standard fire hose, Hytrans offers a variety of specialized hose materials for potable water service and flood control.

The fire hose and coupling system have also been designed and warranted for high-speed hose laying.  This keeps the hose as straight as practical, further limiting how much it obstructs the roadway.  Warranted hose laying speeds range from 11 to 25 mph.

Hose Containers – Hytrans offers a variety of hose storage and laying containers that can be utilized aboard trailers, trucks and in containerized systems (using hook arm loader equipped trucks).  Hose capacities range from 5,500 ft of 4 inch to 6,500 ft of 12 inch.  All Hytrans hose containers have been designed to allow hose laying speeds of 11 to 25 mph, depending upon the size of the hose.

Hose Recovery Units (HRUs) – Hytrans is also the industry leader in automated Hose Recovery, and has built over 700 units for at least 50 countries.  HRUs can significantly reduce the manpower and time needed to drain, lift, and pack the hose.
A Hytrans HRU can have your hose recovered and ready for the next call in a fraction of the time needed to recover it by hand.  An HRU and a trained three-man crew can recover a mile of:

  • 6” hose in approx. 45 minutes
  • 12” hose in approx. 55 minutes
  • All Hytrans HRUs are fully automated systems that drain and lift the hose from the ground to the hose container (or hose bed) with no human assistance to handle couplings.  As such, there is no need for personnel to open the HRU to hold, push, or pull couplings as they pass through the machinery.  This greatly reduces the potential for strain, fall, and pinch point injuries, and quickens hose recovery time.

AutoFlaker – The AutoFlaker, introduced in 2016, allows one man (the truck driver) to drain, lift, and pack the hose with no need for personnel to work inside the hose container.  This not only reduces the manpower required to recover the hose, but also reduces the potential for injury.

Contact HFRC for additional information.  Information may also be found at Hytrans Fire System (Warning – It’s in Metric!).